We are not your typical tutoring center. Our focus is on improving underlying
learning skills. We use programs that stimulate the mind to process and retrieve information easier, faster, and more efficiently. We remediate deficiencies and enhance learning for each student. The research based programs are implemented one to one, and are provided
by highly trained professionals.
We Provide:
Wilson Reading: Barbara A. Wilson
PACE: Processing Skills
And Cognitive Enhancement, PACE Training, Inc.
Master The Code: PACE Training, Inc.
Interactive Metronome: Interactive Metronome
Fast ForWord: Scientific Learning Corp.
Balametrics: Learning Breakthrough
Visualizing and Verbalizing: Lindamood-Bell
Thank you for considering our company. If there
is any additional information you need please contact us by email or telephone. We look forward to helping your student(s)
develop their potential.