PACE Training Inc. Colorado |
PACE targets critical foundational
skills necessary for academic success.
In 12 short weeks,
6 one hour sessions per week, our students will often result in gains of 2-4 years. Parents are an important
part of this process, as they also learn the program and work with their child at home 3 of the 6 days. PACE
is unlike typical school homework so students and parents find it a fun and positive experience.

The Code
Training Inc., Colorado
This is an excellent sound
to code based reading and spelling program. Master the Code is trained 1:1, 6x per week, 3x at home and 3x with a trainer.
Reading fluency, and comrehension are also imroved.

Interactive Metronome Weston, Florida
Originally developed to enhance music and athletic skills,Interactive Metronome is now also used in re-habilitation and education.Complete training takes approximately 15-20 sessions (approximately 50 minutes per session). 3-5
times a week.
Computer based training
Develops sustained attention (up to 50 minutes)
Develops motor control and cooridination
Improves timing and sequencing
reading and math fluency

Learning Corp, CA
A computer based program that can be trained in your home on your own computer. Using patented technology,
the Fast ForWord product family retrains the brain to process language more efficiently. Improving auditory processing,
speech and reading skills. Most of the programs are trained 5x per week for approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes, overall training
lasts approximately 7 weeks.
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 3:00pm
5-12 students per group
5years old - 11 years old
Fun learning enviroment